Android application development is the one of a great carrier on which most of computer science students want to learn it and start developing the real apps. Unfortunately the Android apps development is a bit complicated in many things, like the development tools (Software and Hardware tools). But, you can start learning android developments even at home and master it effectively.
You can develop an android app using JAVA or KOTLIN language with XML for User Interface. But nowdays there's a FLUTTER (Dart) which you can also use it in developing your android applications.
Here are the things you need to know before starting learning android apps development:
1. CONCEPT OF JAVA AND OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
A good understanding in OOP will helps you to understand how different objects works when developing an app, together with classes, getter and setter and other things. So, you need to know at least about OOP.
The laptop or desktop required for you to start developing android apps is required to have at least these requirements:
a) RAM at least 4GB and more
b) Hard disk space at least 150GB
c) Processor at least 2.4 GHz
The above requirements are minimum but you can have a PC with larger requirements than that and its okay, but below that your PC will be a little bit slower.
JDK is used to install Java Environment on your computer so that when you install android studio you will get the Java Support and you can code Java in your Android studio.
You can download the JDK through this link here
Android studio is the InteliJ IDE special for android development and it is provided freely by Google. You can use this Software to develop your android applications for free. Here is the link which you can use to download this IDE
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